Self-pity is a destructive emotion that can be especially dangerous for athletes. It gets in the way of training and hampers progress and improvement. CrossFit athletes are especially vulnerable to self-pity because the workouts are so challenging and demanding.
“I’m not good enough,” “I can’t do this,” “It’s too hard.”
Every CrossFitter has had these thoughts at one time or another, but it’s important to realize how harmful negative self-talk like this is.
Self-pity keeps us trapped in our own little world, feeling sorry for ourselves and unable to see beyond our own problems. Not only does self-pity make us unhappy, but it also prevents us from taking action to improve our lives.
Self-pity is the enemy. It is a waste of time and of energy.
If you’re prone to self-pity, it’s important to learn how to deal with it. In this blog post, we’ll explore what self-pity is, why it’s so harmful, and some tips for overcoming it.

What is self-pity and why should we avoid it
Self-pity is the enemy of happiness and success. A form of egocentrism, self-pity is when we dwell on our misfortunes and feel sorry for ourselves, believing that life is unfair.
Not only does it prevent us from taking action to improve our lives, but it also alienates us from others. When we focus on our own problems and see ourselves as victims, we become less interested in the problems of others and less likely to form meaningful connections with them.
The signs that you might be wallowing in self-pity
We all have our off days, when we feel sorry for ourselves and can’t seem to shake the blues. But if you find yourself wallowing in self-pity on a regular basis, it might be time to take a step back and assess the situation. Here are some signs that you might be stuck in a rut of self-pity:
1. You’re always comparing yourself to others.
Do you find yourself constantly comparing your life to those around you? Whether it’s your friend’s new job or your neighbor’s new car, you can’t help but feel like you’re falling behind. This kind of comparison is a surefire way to breed self-pity. After all, there will always be someone who has more than you. Instead of focusing on what others have, focus on your own accomplishments and what makes you happy.
2. You dwell on your problems.
Do you find yourself dwelling on your problems and rehashing old grievances? This type of thinking only breeds more self-pity and can even lead to depression. Instead of dwelling on past pain, try to focus on the present moment and what you can do to improve your current situation.
3. You feel like you’re a victim.
Do you see yourself as a victim of circumstance? Do you believe that life is unfair and that you’re dealt a bad hand? This victim mentality will only lead to more self-pity and prevent you from taking action to improve your life. Remember, you are in control of your own life and you have the power to change your circumstances.
4. You’re always negative.
Do you find yourself feeling negative all the time? If you’re constantly putting yourself down and seeing the glass as half-empty, it’s likely that self-pity is to blame. To break out of this negative thinking, try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and find things to be grateful for.
5. You isolate yourself from others.
Do you find yourself isolating yourself from friends and family? When we wallow in self-pity, we often withdraw from those around us. This isolation can lead to further feelings of loneliness and despair. If you find yourself doing this, try to reach out to others and socialize, even if it’s just for a brief chat.
6. You’re always seeking sympathy.
Do you find yourself fishing for sympathy from others? Do you feel the need to constantly tell people about your problems in the hopes that they will feel sorry for you? This behavior is a sure sign of self-pity. Not only is it exhausting for those around you, but it’s also a way of seeking validation from others. Instead of looking for sympathy, try to find solutions to your problems.
7. You’re not taking action to improve your life.
Do you find yourself stuck in the same rut, day after day? If you’re not taking action to improve your life, it’s likely that self-pity is to blame. When we wallow in self-pity, we often become paralyzed and fail to take the necessary steps to improve our lives. Remember, you are in control of your own life and you have the power to change your circumstances.
The danger of self-pity for athletes
When you’re an athlete, it’s easy to fall into the trap of self-pity. You might miss a lift, or have a bad workout, and it’s tempting to beat yourself up about it.
Self-pity is the most dangerous emotion that an athlete can feel. It’s a self-imposed handicap that will ruin your training and performance.
When you feel sorry for yourself, you’re not focused on the task at hand. You’re not thinking about how to push harder or how to be better. You’re thinking about how unfair it is that you have to work so hard.
If you’re in the middle of a tough workout or a tough day at the gym and you start feeling sorry for yourself, recognize it for what it is and take action to move past it.
Remember, self-pity is a choice.
How to get out of the funk of self-pity
When things are tough, it can be tempting to just give up and wallow in our misery. But the truth is, indulging in self-pity does nothing to improve our situation.
In fact, it only makes things worse. If we want to get out of the funk of self-pity, we need to take action.
First, we need to recognize that we’re in a funk.
Second, we need to identify the cause of our funk.
Third, we need to come up with a plan to address the cause of our funk.
And fourth, we need to take action on that plan. Only by taking action can we hope to get out of the funk of self-pity and improve our situation.
Self-pity is a destructive emotion that can be especially dangerous for athletes. It gets in the way of training and hampers progress and improvement.
CrossFit athletes are especially vulnerable to self-pity because the sport is so challenging and demanding.
When you start feeling sorry for yourself it’s important to pause, take a breath, and reframe your mindset.
CrossFit is a demanding sport, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding one. If you start to notice self-pity creeping in, remind yourself of your goals and of all the progress you’ve made so far in reaching them.
Nothing worth doing is easy and every step forward no matter how small is a victory. With this mindset, you’ll be able to stay motivated and keep pushing yourself, even on the toughest days.
About the Author
Edward Getterman is a Certified CrossFit Trainer (CF-L3) and the owner of Twin Bridges CrossFit in Waco, Texas. If he can’t be at the gym or at home, he’d prefer to be at Walt Disney World. He loves deadlifts, hates running, and believes above all else that CrossFit is for everyone.